Introduction to NMR Lectures from CH 320M

The following lectures from the fall of 2024 provide an introduction to NMR and set the stage for a brief introductory discussion of the medical diagnostic technique of MRI.  Watch these if your section of OChem 1 did not cover NMR or if you would like to review what you have previously learned about NMR.


*****Before you begin, you will need to download a copy of this handout. Take notes directly on these pages on either a tablet computer or paper printouts. Click here to download the handouts you will need before you start watching the video recordings. *****


Click here to watch the first NMR lecture, introducing the physics concepts that need to be considered.  Note that the first part of this lecture covers reactions of epoxides as well as other topics that are not relevant to NMR.

Click here to see the Rules of the Day for the first NMR lecture. (The Rules of the Day summarize important points from the lecture and at the top there is a link to the actual notes I produced in class during that lecture)


Click here to watch the second NMR lecture that reviews important physics concepts related to NMR as well as a description of the NMR experiment and quick review of the many molecular parameters important for interpreting NMR spectra, including the very important concept of equivalent hydrogens.

Click here to see the Rules of the Day for the second NMR lecture.


Click here to watch the third NMR lecture that finishes the discussion of spin-spin splitting theory then several important other parameters important for interpreting various aspects of NMR spectra.  There is a summary of how to solve NMR spectra problems then a brief introduction to the important medical diagnostic technique of MRI. We will have a detailed discussion of MRI the second lecture of this course.

Click here to see the Rules of the Day for the third lecture.


Click here for an office hour recording that describes how to solve NMR structure problems starting about half-way through.


NMR Practice Problemn (do not turn in)

Click here for the NMR practice problems.

Click here for the NMR practice problem answers.